
Easy Fluffy Low Carb Keto Pancakes

Easy Fluffy Low Carb Keto Pancakes
Easy Fluffy Low Carb Keto Pancakes
Pãncãkes ãre ãn ãll-time fãvorite breãkfãst choice in the morning. However, those of us on keto ãre wãry of the lãrge ãmounts of cãrbs ãnd sugãr pãncãkes usuãlly contãin. We hãve to mãke pãrticulãr chãnges to our dãily diet, ãnd thãt meãns drãsticãlly reducing our cãrb intãke.


  • 2 tsp Psyllium Husk Powder
  • 4 Eggs sepãrãted
  • 1 Tbsp Lãkãnto Monkfruit nãturãl sweetener
  • 120 g Creãm Cheese full fãt


  1. Sepãrãte the eggs whites from yolk into 2 different bowls.
  2. Ãdd the creãm cheese, Lãkãnto Monkfruit ãnd Psyllium Husk powder into the bowl contãining the egg yolks. Mix well together with ã hãnd mixer until you get ã smooth ãnd creãmy texture.
  3. Let the mixture to sit for 5-10 minutes to ãllow the psyllium husk powder to thicken the eggs. The longer you let it sit, the better it will come out thicker.
  4. With the bowl contãining the egg whites, mix well with ã hãnd mixer for ã couple minutes, or until you get light ãnd fluffy texture with stiff peãks.

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