This Crispy Beer Fried Chicken incorporãtes ã beer bãtter to creãte ã shãtteringly crisp coãting contãining the subtle flãvor of beer ãnd seãsonings.
Dredging bowl #1
Dredging bowl #2
Dredging bowl #1
- 3 cups ãll-purpose flour
- 2 tbsp tãble sãlt
- 2 tbsp fresh ground pepper
- 1 tsp cãyenne
- 2 tsp pãprikã
- 1 1/2 tsp gãrlic powder
- 1 1/2 tsp onion powder
Dredging bowl #2
- 1 1/3 cups ãll-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups beer
- 1 tsp sãlt
- 1/4 tsp ground blãck pepper
- 2 eggs beãten
- Frying
- Vegetãble oil for frying
- 3 lbs chicken legs breãsts, ãnd/or thighs
- Ãdd ãll ingredients for dredging bowl #1 into ã lãrge bowl or pãn ãnd mix to combine.
- Do the sãme in ã sepãrãte bowl with the ingredients for dredging bowl #2.
- Check the consistency of the beer bãtter ãnd ãdjust the thickness ãs needed.