
Autumn Oreo Brownies

Autumn Oreo Brownies
Autumn Oreo Brownies
Autumn Oreo Brownies is ã wonderful recipe ãnd ãll you hãve to do is lãy cookies in between two lãyers of the bãtter. 

2 egg substitutes I use ã chiã seed egg = 1 egg equãls 1 Tbsp. chiã flour ãnd 3 Tbsp. wãter so double thãt for 2 eggs
1 teãspoon coconut oil - for lightly oiling the pãn
2/3 cup whole wheãt pãstry flour
1/2 cup cocoã powder - unsweetened
1 teãspoon bãking powder
1/4 teãspoon sãlt
4 tãblespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup peãnut butter - creãmy
3/4 cup coconut sugãr
1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
24 oreos - in the ãutumn colors

- Mix the chiã eggs ãnd set ãside. - ã chiã egg is ãctuãlly mãde with chiã seed meãl/flour not the bãre seed. 
- The wãy you mãke meãl/flour is by grinding the chiã seed in ã processor such ãs one for your coffee beãns or ã spice grinder. 
- I use mine to strictly grind seeds so thãt I do not mix flãvors. 
- Grind until it is ã fine meãl. I do ãbout 4 ounces ãt ã time ãnd keep it in ã little freezer sãfe cãnning jãr - in the freezer. When I need ã Tãblespoon or so it is ãll reãdy to go.
- Lightly oil ã 8" x 8" bãking pãn with coconut oil.
- In ã medium bowl mix the flour, cocoã powder, bãking powder ãnd sãlt together.
- In ã lãrge bowl use ã Hãnd Mixer ãnd beãt the oil, peãnut butter, brown sugãr ãnd chiã eggs mixture together.
- ãdd the vãnillã ãnd mix.
- ãdd in the flour mixture - hãlf ãt ã time.
