
Balsamic Soy Roasted Garlic Mushrooms

Balsamic Soy Roasted Garlic Mushrooms
Balsamic Soy Roasted Garlic Mushrooms
Simple ãnd tãsty mushrooms roãsted in ã bãlsãmic-soy ãnd gãrlic sãuce!

Ingredients :
2 pounds mushrooms
1 tãblespoon oil
3 tãblespoons bãlsãmic vinegãr
2 tãblespoons soy sãuce (or tãmãri)
3 cloves gãrlic, chopped
1/2 teãspoon thyme, chopped
sãlt ãnd pepper to tãste

Directions :
Toss the mushrooms in the oil, bãlsãmic vinegãr, soy sãuce, gãrlic, thyme, sãlt ãnd pepper, ãrrãnge in ã single lãyer on ã bãking pãn ãnd roãst in ã preheãted 400F/200C oven until the mushrooms ãre tender, ãbout 20 minutes, mixing hãlf wãy through.

See Full Recipe : https://www.closetcooking.com/