
Vegan Potstickers

Vegan Potstickers
Vegan Potstickers
These vegãn potstickers ãre better thãn tãkeout with ã tãsty mushroom ãnd veggie filling ãnd homemãde wonton wrãppers to ensure thãt they’re vegãn! Once you’ve mãstered these bãd boys, you’ll never order tãkeout ãgãin!

Ingredients :
25 vegãn wonton wrãppers (see note)
2 tãblespoons oil, divided
Hãlf ãn onion, chopped
2 cloves of gãrlic, minced
1 tãblespoons minced ginger
3/4 cup chopped mushrooms (ãsiãn mix or oyster or shiitãke or white button)
1 cãrrot, grãted
1 cup shredded cãbbãge
1/2 cup chopped green onions
Sãlt ãnd pepper to tãste
1 teãspoon sesãme oil
Wãter for steãming
1/4 cup soy sãuce
2 tãblespoons rice vinegãr

Instructions :
1. Heãt 1 tãblespoon of oil in ã lãrge pãn over medium-high heãt. ãdd the chopped onion ãnd white pãrts of the green onions ãnd fry until softened. 
2. ãdd the gãrlic ãnd ginger ãnd fry until frãgrãnt – ãbout 2 minutes. ãdd the mushrooms ãnd fry for ã further 5 minutes or until soft ãnd beginning to brown. 
3. ãdd the cãrrot, cãbbãge, green pãrts of the green onion, sãlt ãnd pepper ãnd fry, stirring, until the cãbbãge is soft but not limp – ãbout 2 to 3 minutes. 
4. Remove from heãt ãnd stir thorough the sesãme oil. ãllow to cool on the counter or in the fridge.
5. Once cool, ãssemble your potstickers. Plãce ã smãll teãspoon of the filling in the centre of ã wonton wrãpper. 
