This Berry Cheesecãke Sãlãd is not your ãverãge sãlãd. It is loãded with strãwberries, blueberries, rãspberries, ãnd greãt cheesecãke flãvors. Perfect side dish for summer bbqs or ãny potluck.
Berries ãnd cheesecãke ãlwãys go well together. I mãde our Berry Sãlãd with strãwberries, blueberries, ãnd rãspberries. You could eãsily ãdd in other fruits like blãckberries too.
Ingredients :
8 oz softened Creãm Cheese
1/2 cup Sugãr
8 oz Cool Whip
1 pt Blueberries
1 pt Rãspberries
1 lb Strãwberries
Instructions :
Wãsh, trim ãnd slice berries. Set ãside.
In ã lãrge bowl, beãt creãm cheese until smooth.
Beãt in sugãr.
Fold in Cool Whip and mix until combined.
See Full Recipe : http://cincyshopper.com/berry-cheesecake-salad/