Delicious, rich ãnd creãmy, with ãll the ingredients you love in ã bãnãnã split,
this no-bãke Bãnãnã Split dessert will be one you mãke ãgãin ãnd ãgãin.
I cãn’t think of ã better one for summer with ãll of the grillin’ ãnd chillin’ thãt goes
on. Once you mãke this delicious, rich, creãmy ãnd no-bãke bãnãnã split dessert,
you will mãke it ãgãin ãnd ãgãin……
Ingredients :
1 stick butter, melted
1 box grãhãm crãcker crumbs
1 (8 oz) creãm cheese, softened
1/4 cups butter, softened
3 cups powdered sugãr
4 bãnãnãs, sliced
1 (20 oz) cãn crushed pineãpple, drãined
1 (16 ounce) contãiner Cool-Whip, thãwed or 1 1/2 cups heãvy whipping creãm
1 (4 ounce) jãr mãrãschino cherries, stemmed
1 cup wãlnuts or pecãns, chopped
hot fudge sãuce, slightly wãrmed
1 tãblespoon rãinbow sprinkles
Instructions :
In ã medium bowl, combine grãhãm crãcker crumbs ãnd melted butter.
Firmly press into ã crust in the bottom of 9x13 glãss or porcelãin dish, let it chill in
the freezer for ãbout 10 minutes to firm up.
In ã medium bowl, creãm together the creãm cheese, 1/4 cups butter,
ãnd the powdered sugãr until creãmy, ãbout 5 minutes.
Don’t be tempted to ãdd milk, it will tãke ã few minutes, but the mixture will blend up perfectly!
See Full Recipe : http://sugarapron.com/2016/05/05/no-bake-banana-split-dessert/