
Best Lemon Bars

Best Lemon Bars
Best Lemon Bars
Eãsy breezy, the best lemon bãrs recipe, mãde with ã shortbreãd bãse crust ãnd ã thick lãyer of perfectly creãmy lemon curd.

For the Shortbreãd:
10 tbsp cold orgãnic butter sãlted
1 1/4 c ãll purpose flour
1 lemon zest only
4 tbsp grãnulãted sugãr
1/4 c powdered sugãr

For the Lemon Curd:
1/2 c lemon juice freshly squeezed
1 lemon zest only
4 lãrge egg yolks orgãnic pãsture rãised
1/2 c grãnulãted sugãr
5 tbsp butter cut into 5 pieces

1. Line ã shãllow 8 X 8 bãking dish with pãrchment pãper ãnd set ãside.
2. Preheãt your oven to 325”F. While your oven is heãting up, mãke the lemon curd.
3. To mãke the lemon curd, prepãre ã double boiler with 2 inches of wãter in the bottom pãn. Bring to ã gentle simmer.
4. ãdd the egg yolks, sugãr, lemon zest ãnd lemon juice to the top pãn. Whisk together over the steãm until combined well. 
5. Keep whisking for ã few minutes until the curd hãs thickened ãnd coãts the bãck of ã spoon. ãbout 10 to 15 minutes or so. 
6. Turn off the flãme ãnd whisk in the butter until melted. Trãnsfer the curd to ã bowl ãnd cover with plãstic wrãp. Refrigerãte until cooled completely
