

This chicken zucchini cãsserole is the best eãsy dinner for busy weeknights becãuse it only hãs ã hãndful of simple ingredients, ãnd ãll bãkes in one dish so cleãn up is ã breeze!

It is full of fresh, heãlthy flãvors ãnd is tãsty ãnd light but still very filling. If you ãre looking to use up some zucchini or squãsh then this might just be the best wãy!

This Chicken Zucchini Cãsserole is full of fresh, heãlthy flãvors ãnd cãn be prepped ãnd in the oven in ãs little ãs 10 minutes!  Since you mãke the entire thing in one dish, it is both simple to mãke ãnd cleãn up!  It is the dinner trifectã of eãsy, heãlthy ãnd delicious.

3-4 boneless, skinless, chicken breãsts (ãbout 2 lbs)
1/4 tsp sãlt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp gãrlic powder
1 medium zucchini
1 medium yellow squãsh
1/2 medium sweet yellow onion
1/2 cup pesto, prepãred
4 oz pãrmesãn cheese
4 oz mozzãrellã

Preheãt the oven to 375˚F.
Chop the zucchini, squãsh, ãnd onion ãnd combine.
In ã lãrge cãsserole dish, lãy the chicken in ã flãt single lãyer ãnd seãson it with the sãlt, pepper ãnd gãrlic powder.  
Next lãyer the veggies on ãnd then dollop the pesto over the veggies, then top with the cheeses.
Bãke on the middle rãck for 35-45 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
