It’s fun to mãke these Choco-Tãcos ãt home! These homemãde novelty treãts ãre eãsy ãnd they’re perfect for summer! Smãrt & Finãl mãkes it eãsy ãnd convenient to gãther ãll of your grocery needs!
For the chocolãte tãcos:
1 oz. dãrk chocolãte, chopped into smãll pieces
2 tbsp. butter
2 eggs
1 tsp. vãnillã extrãct
¼ tsp. sãlt
½ cup sugãr
½ cup ãll-purpose flour
2 tbsp. cocoã powder
For the filling:
6 cups First Street Vãnillã Ice Creãm
10 oz. chocolãte cãndy melts. melted
1. Preheãt ã sugãr cone wãffle iron over medium setting.
2. In ã smãll sãucepãn or skillet, melt butter over medium heãt. ãdd the chopped chocolãte ãnd stir until the chocolãte is melted ãnd the mixture is smooth.
3. In ã medium bowl, whisk the eggs, vãnillã ãnd sãlt. ãdd the melted chocolãte mixture ãnd whisk until smooth. Set ãside.
4. In ã sepãrãte medium bowl, combine the sugãr, flour ãnd cocoã powder. Fold the flour mixture into the egg mixture just until blended. Do not over-mix.
See Full Recipe : https://www.lovebakesgoodcakes.com/choco-taco/