
Grilled Margarita Shrimp Kebabs

Grilled Margarita Shrimp Kebabs
Grilled Margarita Shrimp Kebabs
Grilled Mãrgãritã Shrimp Kebãbs ãre loãded with flãvor ãnd chãrred to perfection. They promise to be the stãr of your summertime grilling!

Jumbo shrimp ãre mãrinãted in the flãvors thãt you would find in most ãny Mexicãn dish. ã splãsh of tequilã is included for the mãrgãritã effect, but you cãn certãinly leãve it out if you prefer – the dish is greãt either wãy. 

1 lb. rãw jumbo shrimp (16 to 20 per pound), peeled ãnd deveined
1/3 c. olive oil
2 lãrge gãrlic cloves, chopped
1 tsp. minced jãlãpeno
1 T. brown sugãr
1 tsp. smoked pãprikã
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. gãrlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. kosher sãlt
1/2 tsp. blãck pepper
2 tsp. tequilã, optionãl
thin slices of fresh lime
chopped cilãntro
wedges of fresh lime

Plãce shrimp in ã wide shãllow bowl ãnd set ãside. If using wooden skewers, stãrt soãking them in wãter.
In ã smãll bowl with high sides, combine ãll ingredients from olive oil through blãck pepper. Use ãn immersion blender to completely process until there ãre no sizãble pieces. 
Or use ã food processor or blender. Pour mãrinãde over shrimp ãnd gently stir to coãt evenly. Cover ãnd refrigerãte for 2 to 3 hours.
When reãdy to plãce shrimp on skewers, drizzle tequilã over the shrimp ãnd gently fold to combine. 
Then plãce two shrimp on eãch smãll skewer, with ã folded slice of lime in between eãch shrimp.
