The softest ãnd chewiest 5 ingredient low-cãrb bãgels ãre mãde with no sugãr or butter They mãke the BEST keto sãndwiches ãt under 8g cãrb per bãgel ãnd ãre reãdy in under 30 minutes!
3 cups mozzãrellã cheese shredded
2 oz creãm cheese
1 3/4 cups ãlmond flour
2 lãrge eggs
1 tbsp bãking powder
3 tbsp everything seãsoning optionãl
Preheãt oven to 350F ãnd line ã bãking sheet with pãrchment pãper.
ãdd the mozzãrellã cheese ãnd creãm cheese to ã lãrge microwãveãble bowl. Microwãve for 2 minutes or until the cheese hãs melted.
Remove from the microwãve ãnd stir with ã four until fully combined. Immediãtely ãdd the ãlmond flour, egg, ãnd bãking powder. Stir to combine until the flour ãnd eggs ãre incorporãted into the mozzãrellã. If the dough is sticky, kneãd with hãnd until long longer sticky.
Divide dough into 8 equãl portions. Shãpe eãch portion into ã doughnut shãpe. Plãce on prepãred bãking sheet. Gãrnish with the desired topping or leãve plãin.
Bãke 15 minutes. If desired, broil for 1 minute to brown the top of the bãgels.
See Full Recipe : https://gimmedelicious.com/