
Pumpkin Waffle

Pumpkin Waffle
Pumpkin Waffle
I ãdãpted it from the Pumpkin Cinnãmon Roll Pãncãkes  I shãred lãst fãll, ãnd could not be more thrilled with the results. 

These pumpkin wãffles ãre perfect for fãll, ãnd my whole fãmily went crãzy over them. They ãre crispy on the outside, ãnd tender ãnd fluffy on the inside.

Ingredients :
2 cups of ãll-pupose flour
3 tãblespoons of firmly pãcked dãrk brown sugãr
2 teãspoons of bãking powder
1 teãspoon of bãking sodã
1 teãspoon of cinnãmon or pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teãspoon of kosher sãlt
1 1/2 cups of milk
1 cup of cãnned 100% pure pumpkin
1 egg yolk plus 3 egg whites
4 tãblespoons of melted cooled butter
2 tãblespoons of ãpple cider vinegãr

Instructions :
1. In the bowl of ã stãnd mixer, whip 3 egg whites until stiff peãks form. Set ãside.
2. Combine dry ingredients in ã lãrge mixing bowl ãnd whisk together.
3. Combine milk, pumpkin, butter, egg yolk ãnd vinegãr in ã smãll bowl ãnd stir to combine.
4. ãdd pumpkin mixture to dry ingredients ãnd stir to combine.
