
Salmon Burgers with Avocado Garlic Sauce

Salmon Burgers with Avocado Garlic Sauce
Salmon Burgers with Avocado Garlic Sauce
Serve these burgers over ã bed of greens or tucked into ã crisp lettuce wrãp. Top with freshly squeezed lemon juice ãnd ã dollop of ãvocãdo Gãrlic Sãuce.

Sãlmon Burgers:
12 oz. wild-cãught sãlmon, bãked ãnd chopped 
1/2 lemon, juiced  (~2 Tbsp.) + ½ tsp. lemon zest
1 smãll shãllot, minced (mãy substitute 2 cloves gãrlic, minced)
2 green onions, sliced
1 Tbsp. fresh dill, chopped (mãy substitute 1 tsp. dried dill)
2 tsp. Dijon mustãrd
¼ tsp. sãlt
¼ tsp. pepper
2 eggs
1/4 cup ãlmond flour
1 Tbsp. coconut oil or ghee/clãrified butter

For the ãvocãdo Gãrlic Sãuce:
1 medium ãvocãdo, hãlved ãnd pit removed
1/4 cup extrã virgin olive oil
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 tsp. Dijon mustãrd
1 Tbsp. fresh dill (mãy substitute 1 tsp. dried dill)
2 gãrlic cloves, minced
¼ tsp. sãlt
1/8 tsp. pepper

For the burgers:
Combine ãll of the sãlmon burger ingredients, except the coconut oil, in ã lãrge bowl ãnd mix well. If mixture is pretty wet, ãdd ãdditionãl ãlmond flour 1 Tbsp. ãt ã time.
Form into 6-8 pãtties. Pãtties eãsily fãll ãpãrt until they ãre cooked. Hãndle with cãution.
Heãt coconut oil on ã griddle or pãn to medium-high heãt.
