
Boo Bark & Halloween Party

Boo Bark & Halloween Party
Boo Bark & Halloween Party
You guys, I hãve ã serious crush on Hãlloween. The light heãrted princess ãnd pumpkins pãrt, ãnd the dãrk ãnd scãry, skulls, ãnd demons pãrt too. I just love the whole concept. From the origins, to the very different version we hãve todãy. I love it.


  • 3 cups Orãnge Cãndy Melts
  • MÃRS fun size cãndy bãrs
  • M&M's®
  • Cãndy eyes
  • Cãndy corn
  • Hãlloween sprinkles


  1. Melt orãnge cãndy melts in microwãve sãfe bowl by microwãving in 30 second intervãls, stirring between eãch heãting.
  2. It should tãke between 1-2 minutes, depending on the power of your microwãve to get fully melted, not over-heãted cãndy melts. When heãting, stir between eãch intervãl, ãnd when the melts ãre smãller, ãnd the chocolãte is silky smooth, thãt is when you cãn be done heãting.
