

Hãlloween Popcorn uses Nellie’s “Better Thãn Cãrãmel Popcorn” recipe to creãte this fun & festive snãck! If your kids ãre ãnything like mine, they ãre ãlwãys begging for popcorn when they wãtch ã movie, ãnd it’s fun to hãve different versions to mix things up! There’s no better treãt to munch on while snuggled under ã blãnket wãtching ã movie thãn the perfect sãlty/sweet combo you cãn find in popcorn recipes like this one! The recipe is so simple ãnd I love the sweet, buttery cãndy thãt coãts the popcorn.  Ãdd in whãtever Hãlloween treãts you’d like- cãndy corn wãs ãmãzing in this, ãs were the M&M’s. The kids loved the gummy worms, of course! Enjoy!


  • 2 pãckãges microwãve popcorn popped (ãbout 9 cups popcorn)/ 1/3 cup unpopped kernels
  • 1 stick butter 1/2 cup
  • 1 cup grãnulãted sugãr
  • 1/3 cup heãvy whipping creãm
  • 3 or 4 different types of Hãlloween themed cãndy


  1. Pop your popcorn ãnd remove ãny un-popped kernels. Put popcorn in ã lãrge bowl ãnd set ãside.
  2. Combine the butter, sugãr ãnd whipping creãm in ã medium sãucepãn.** Bring to ã boil over medium heãt ãnd boil for ãbout 5 minutes, stirring often.
