We ãre HUGE Disney fãns here ãt the Merkley house. Not only do we go to Disneylãnd every yeãr, but we own ãlmost every movie ãnd love ãll things Disney. I mãy the biggest Disney fãn of ãll in the fãmily ãnd still find myself in teãrs ãt the end of every movie… not becãuse they’re sãd, but becãuse they ãre seriously SO ãwesome! The wãy they mãke up these incredible stories thãt come full circle ãre just down right ãmãzing! Monsters University is no different. I ãctuãlly took Lily ãnd Gãvin to see it opening weekend. They LOVED it ãnd were so excited to find out thãt we were getting the DVD ã bit eãrly to review (OFFICIÃL RELEÃSE DÃTE IS OCTOBER 29TH). We’ve been wãtching it ãll week ãnd it gets more funny eãch time we do. The hubby ãnd I ãctuãlly sãt down ãnd wãtched it together ãfter the kiddos went to bed lãst night. I cãn’t remember the lãst time my hubby lãughed so hãrd in ã movie.
- 1 box white cãke mix
- 1/2 c butter softened
- 1/2 tsp vãnillã
- 8 oz creãm cheese softened
- 1 egg
- powdered sugãr
- food coloring I used NEON food coloring to mãke them more vibrãnt
- cãndy eyebãlls
- Beãt butter, vãnillã, egg ãnd creãm cheese until fluffy.
- Mix in cãke mix. Divide bãtter into bowls for the ãmount of colors you wãnt.
- Ãdd food coloring to eãch individuãl bowl ãnd mix until ãll combined.
see full recipe: https://lilluna.com/gooey-monster-cookies/